Friday, 2 March 2018

Hitzfeld admitted to bid from Borussia Dortmund

Otter Hitzfeld admitted he was sought after by Borussia`s (Dortmund) management after Peter Bos, but he preferred to stay out of the football. The 69-year-old German specialist won the only European Cup of `Yellow and Black` in 1997, and in 2014 he ended his coaching career. `We did a conversation, yes, but even when it comes to Dortmund, I did not think at all, I do not want to be a coach for eight months or three, ` he told Sportbuzzer. of, t-online. de and Sport1. `I do not want the stress or the nights in hotels, and there is a short period of great joy after the victories, but after two or three days the wheel turns again, causing a lot of stress, ` added Hitzfeld.

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